
Staying and Dining at Forest Park

Accommodation &  Dining Voucher to use at Forest Park for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner on Food and Beverage 
Min £ 150.00
Max £ 1,000.00
per voucher


Valid for 12 Months

Voucher to be redeemed during one visit ( hotel residents can post the value on their account to be used during the stay) Non Resident guests to use in one sitting. No change given and Restaurant/Inn bookings to be made in advance

Enhance the Experience

Two Cocktails £20.00

Max allowed: 8

Choose from our large selection of Martinis and Cocktails . Over 18's only 

Forest Park Wine £25.00

Max allowed: 4

Add a Bottle of our own Forest Park Wine, either a chilled French Sauvignon Blanc, or French Merlot 

Champagne £60.00

Max allowed: 2

Add a bottle of Moet and Chandon Champagne presented over ice with two glasses 

Packaging options

Email FREE

Your vouchers will be delivered by email

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